Empowering Self-Love Rituals for Endo Warriors: Part 1
Apr 12, 2024
No Win Situation
I don't know about y’all but sometimes I can be really hard on me. Living with endometriosis has made this specifically challenging because there have been numerous occasions where I got mad or frustrated with myself. Whether it's exercising too hard, or not exercising enough. Deciding to have a drink and go out with friends, or opting to stay in because of my condition. Putting too much work on my plate, or being too lazy. Do you see what’s happening here? This sounds like a no-win situation to me.
I had to become more intentional about the way I love me! This means accepting exactly how I feel right now, embracing how I look today and honoring however I'm able to show up in this moment. It means showing compassion for the times I feel frustrated or sad, or like I didn't make a decision that was good for me. I had to fully embody Self-Love.
I'm not claiming to have it all figured out, but I've developed certain rituals that I turn to when I realize I'm not giving myself the level of love I deserve. And that's what I'm excited to share with you today! However, we'll begin with a self-reflection tool to help you determine if you could benefit from a little more self-love in your life.
Self-Love Reflection
Of course, it's easy to say "I love myself," but are your actions, thoughts, and behaviors truly reflecting that? Let's find out. Start with this Self-Love Reflection below:
Where Do You Fall?
45+: Your self-love game is on point! Keep nurturing that beautiful relationship with yourself.
35-44: You're doing great! Your self-love is strong, but there's always room for a little extra TLC.
25-34: You're on the right track! Your self-love is moderate, and there are opportunities to prioritize yourself more.
15-24: You're making progress! Your self-love could use a boost, but remember, small steps lead to big changes.
Below 15: You're worthy of more love! It's time to prioritize yourself and cultivate a deeper sense of self-love.
Self-Love begins NOW. Embrace where you are today and be proud of yourself! Navigating life with endometriosis is not easy, so give yourself credit for all that you do.Your assessment score is just a starting point, a snapshot of where you are right now. Use it to identify areas where you could show yourself more love and care. It's also a helpful way to track your journey of self-love and see your progress over time.
This might be a wake-up call about how you've been treating yourself, and if it is, that's okay because now you have awareness and can only go up from here. Next, we'll dive into ways to cultivate a deeper sense of self-love in your life. These rituals have worked wonders for me and help me love myself and my life despite the many challenges endometriosis brings (and believe me it is many). I refuse to let endo define me or my life, and you should feel the same!
Ritual #1 Out Loud Affirmations
Maybe you wake up in pain, feeling drained from a rough night's sleep, with endometriosis as the underlying cause. How do you talk to yourself in this situation? I used to say, 'Here we go again." What a terrible freakin way to start the day!!! But that is exactly what I used to say to myself. I woke up dreading the day and how I would feel. But I realized I needed to make a shift, so I made a conscious decision to speak life, and positivity to myself. I did this by speaking my affirmations OUT LOUD!
I know what you're probably thinking: affirmations, really? You've heard it before. But have you tried doing them consistently? I'm sharing this ritual first because it helped me so much when my thoughts were trash. I was speaking about myself and my life in such a terrible way because of the daily pain, nausea, and frustration. Out Loud Affirmations pushed me to believe better for myself. I kept at it until I truly started to embody each affirmation.
Create 3 to 5 affirmations that align with you, or choose a few of my favorites below. Speak them out loud every morning! SPEAK IT INTO EXISTENCE! Make them a part of you.
PRO TIP: Another thing I enjoy is using the 'I am' affirmation app. Sometimes in the morning, I scroll through and find three to five affirmations that resonate with me that day, and I say them out loud! You can also favorite your top choices and set notifications to receive affirmations throughout the day. With all the chaos and negativity around us, it's crucial to nourish our souls with positivity.
Ritual #2: Vision Visualization
There will be times when we feel stressed, overwhelmed, and anxious. Sometimes it's hard to pinpoint exactly why, but our bodies can feel overloaded. When you're in this state, are you giving yourself time to pause and recharge? I used to struggle with this, unable to stop my mind from dwelling on my situation or how I felt. I had to change my perspective entirely—a full reset. This requires a higher power, but it's one we all possess within us. Practicing vision visualization helps me rewrite my story and change my thoughts, which improves how I feel. It's incredibly powerful in shifting my mindset, and I'm confident it can do the same for you.
Find a quiet spot and set aside 10 minutes. Try this meditation.
This meditation is inspired by work from Joe Dispenza, specifically, a book I highly recommend "Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself."
Ritual #3 Sacred Healing Bath
When was the last time you took a soothing bath? For me, they're one of the best ways to relax my mind and body. It's a great way to treat yourself with some LOVE and definitely one of my favorites.
The Benefits: pain relief, relaxation by calming your nervous system, reduces stress and anxiety, improves circulation, enhances detoxification, boosts mood. Need i say more?!
Epsom Salt: Choose Epsom salt without dyes or fragrances. Add your own essential oils for scents, as store-bought scented Epsom salts likely contain hormone disruptors.
10 Drops of Essential Oil of Choice: Options like lavender, chamomile, or frankincense are my recommendations
Candle: Opt for soy-based candles for a cleaner burn. They produce less harmful chemicals
Sound Therapy: Enhance relaxation with calming music. I like to put on Pandora yoga radio
Healing Crystals: Holistic practitioner @peacebythai suggests placing Amethyst, Rose Quartz, and Red Carnelian by the tub to encourage self-love and healing. For an extra boost, adding Selenite can amplify the energy of all three
Washcloth or Salt Scrub: Used for scraping, an Ayurvedic technique
Device-Free: Keep your devices away or out of reach to fully immerse in the experience.
Communicate: Let your family or roommates know you'll be unavailable. Arrange for your partner to watch the kids or wait until they fall asleep.
This is your time to connect with yourself and focus on your own needs. You deserve this moment of self-care. Begin by taking deep cleansing breaths: inhale through your nose, imagining you're breathing in peace and tranquility; exhale slowly through your mouth, releasing stress and tension. Repeat for several cycles, focusing on the sensations of peace entering your body and stress leaving it.
Then, use your salt scrub or washcloth to perform an Ayurvedic technique known as scraping by massaging the skin in firm circular motions, working upwards to improve circulation and promote detoxification. Rinse off, and follow with a gentle massage using coconut oil, paying extra attention to areas that need care. As you do this, reflect on what you are grateful for and how your body supports you despite your condition.
Take your time easing out of the tub, gently patting yourself dry. Keep the mood soft with dim lighting and a relaxed atmosphere. Hydrate with a glass of water or herbal tea. Lastly practice gratitude for the time you took to care for yourself. Thank your body for all it does and acknowledge the healing that took place during your bath.
Your Action Steps
Choose at least two of the self-love rituals above to add to your life this week. Decide when and how you'll make time for them, and then make them a priority. Committing to self-love isn't just another task—it's a sacred, special way to boost your happiness, healing, and well-being. This holistic practice can empower you on your journey. Remember, you've got this, and you have the power to heal within. Sending lots of love your way.
But Wait, There's More
This was just part 1 of 3 in my self-love ritual series! There are 7 more powerful rituals I'll share in the near future, but I believe less is more, so we'll take this journey step by step. Stay tuned for the next post coming soon! These rituals are just as transformative. Subscribe below so you don't miss out. Thank you for trusting me to guide you on your journey. ♡
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